The Karnataka Shops and Commercial establishments Act, 1961 regulate the conditions of work and employment in Shops and Commercial establishments and other matters, in the state of Karnataka.

“Shop” has been defined by the Act to include “any premises where any trade or business is carried out or where any service is rendered to customers”. It includes offices, store rooms, go downs and warehouses used for trade or business. And “Commercial Establishment” means a commercial, trading, banking, insurance establishment, establishment where people are engaged in office work, a hotel, restaurant, boarding or eating house, a café, or other refreshment, theatre or other public entertainment place. The above mentioned shops and commercial establishments should get Shops and Commercial establishments registration and should comply with the provisions of the Act in order to avoid penalty. Shops & Establishment Registration is Valid only for 5 years and you need to renew it every 5 years.

Documents required for Shops and Commercial establishments registration, Bangalore

• ID Proof and Residential address proof of Directors/ Partner/Proprietor
• Rental Agreement of Business
• PAN copy of the Company / LLP / firm / Proprietor
• Certificate of incorporation, Memorandum of Association and Articles of association of company / Partnership Deed /LLP Agreement
• Authorisation letter
• Board resolution in case of Companies.
• List of Employees
• Child labour Declaration & Specimen Signatures

Labour registers Mandatorily to be maintained under the Karnataka Shops & Commercial Establishments Act.

• Form T
• Form F
• Form H
• Inspector Register
• Form D
• abstract - Kannada & English
• Form Q
• wage slips
• Form U